help us help the community.
Your support means more than a logo on a tee shirt or a callout on our website, sponsoring this tournament allows our team to improve the livelihood of the neighbors in your community.
Host Your Own Event
Looking to bring a Ball 4 A Cure event to your community? Through our Partnership Program, Ball 4 A Cure will help you with everything from event coordination and logistics to establishing funds and programs within your community to help those in need.
event commitees & internships
Ball 4 a Cure is a community organization facilitated by the community for the community. Each annual event is planned and executed through the direction of an event committee. Ball 4 a Cure also has short-term internship and volunteer positions to help grow Ball 4 a Cure as an organization and manage the day-to-day operations. If you are someone who wants to join our mission, add to your resume, and benefit the community at large, we would love to hear from you.